Saturday, September 18, 2010

1973 Japanese Trade Mission Tapes

Today I will begin digitizing the recordings made by Ken Robinson during the 1973 Trade Mission to Japan. There are 8 compact cassette recordings.

List of Tapes
  • #1 Depart from Detroit
  • #2 - 3/26/73 - Part of First Session
  • #3 - 3/27/73
  • #4 - 3/28/73 - Labor Ministry
  • 3-29-73 - am - Magane / Panasonic 3/30/73
  • #5 - 3/30/73 - Panasonic Plt / April 2nd - Nagasaki Tour + (Tues) April 3rd
  • #6 - Wed, April 4th am Japan
  • #7 - Japan
Given the fact that these are all spoken word programs, I think digitizing at mp3/160 is good enough. I did the first tape as two separate sides in WAV files, but that will really lengthen the digitizing process. For the remainder of the tapes, I will be doing mp3 format, and I will record front and back in one file. I will the divide them up on the computer.

Not sure who, if anyone, might be interested in these recordings. Perhaps there is an article in there somewhere--some kind of economics/labor history article.